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Prescription Glasses

Trends in Prescription Glasses for the Summer

In Summer you change your wardrobe. Your look is refreshed, you avoid long pants and even shorten your hair. Why not also renew your look? We present you with the trends in prescription glasses designed to fit your summer days. Cleaner looks: With the heat comes minimalist, light and clear styles, which give way to a fresher and more summery image. And the look is not going to be less. Therefore, the trend for this summer is for rimless frames that combine the look of fashionable sunglasses with prescription lenses. A design that is reflected in the “Aura Pink Model”, is a very feminine frame that gives way to a clear and wide look thanks to an architectural style that frees the eyes, providing freshness and modernity. Another option to maintain a clear look is the “ Eclipse”. A Smart Glasses frame that combines the seriousness of a classic image with the audacity of a transparent frame. Perfect to show off your look during summer nights. Fresh Elegance: In summer we spend more hours outdoors. The nights are getting longer and you need elegant but informal frames that will fit  you on all of your appointments. “Street 1 Transparent” prescription glasses are perfect for adding a retro touch to your summer outfit. In addition, its butterfly shape with an elongated silhouette and its large crystals.   Another versatile model for this summer is the “Street 1 Pro”. These ultra-light Smart Glasses are perfect for the hottest season since their frames combine the lightness of materials with different lines designed for different occasions. Combining comfort and elegance has never been so easy. Full color: If the joy of summer is reflected in the colors of our clothes, why not get some colorful glasses? Colored frames are back to becoming one of the trends of the season. That's why you will find the “Aura Green” prescription glasses model in different colors. Butterfly frame lenses are ideal to give a joyful touch to your look. Glasses for Every Occasion: If you are looking for the latest trends in prescription glasses for this summer, at Manha Eyewear you have the opportunity to get several models. Discover new models at our website and start enjoying a fresher, more summery look now.

Trends in Prescription Glasses for the Summer

In Summer you change your wardrobe. Your look is refreshed, you avoid long pants and even shorten your hair. Why...

types of sunglasses

Types of Sunglasses! What Crystals to Choose?

Sunglasses are an essential accessory throughout the year since solar radiation can affect our visual health in any season, not just in summer. In addition, sunglasses can round out any look and make it perfect. However, there are many types of sunglasses out there and it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed when it comes time to pick out new ones. If choosing glasses according to your face is already quite a search, imagine if you also have to take into account the color of the lenses and the types of filters. At Manha Eyewear, we want to help you make the best decision, both aesthetically and for your health, so we come with some advice on what types of sunglasses exist and what lenses you should choose. Types of sunglasses according to the type of lens: Surely you have heard the terms we list below more than once. Sunglass lenses can be of different types and each of them has some particular properties and advantages : Polarized sunglasses: What sets polarized lenses apart is their ability to block reflected light and let only useful light through, minimizing reflections. In this way, the vision is clearer and more contrasted. The advantages of polarized sunglasses are very evident in water sports. Mirror sunglasses: When light reaches these types of sunglasses, it bounces off the mirrored lens and does not hit the eyes. That is why they are the most common in winter and water sports. Lenses with anti-reflective coating on the inside: It is a glass treatment that can be applied to any type of lens. It is done to reduce lateral reflections and prevent light from dazzling. Photochromic sunglasses: This type of sunglasses adapt the darkness of the lens to the amount of light they perceive. Types of sunglasses according to the color of the glass: Following trends in sunglasses is great for finding your style. But there is something you should keep in mind and that is that the color of the lenses of the sunglasses goes beyond pure aesthetics. Different colors affect your vision differently : Brown glass glasses: If you practice outdoor sports, we recommend this type of sunglasses. Brown lenses improve contrast and reduce eye strain. We would also recommend this color for nearsighted people. Gray lens glasses: The most common types of sunglasses have gray lenses. They are versatile, do not alter colors and can be worn on any occasion. Green glass glasses: These lenses are especially recommended for people with farsightedness. The perception of colors is hardly altered and they are good crystals for when there is little light. Yellow or orange lens glasses: These lenses are not the most suitable for sunglasses because they increase contrast and brightness. Therefore, they work well in conditions of poor visibility, such as fog or blizzard, but on sunny days we will have discomfort due to the high luminosity. Pink, purple or blue glass glasses: In this case, these types of sunglasses have a purely aesthetic effect. These colors do not improve contrast or affect luminosity, although they can alter the perception of colors. Types of sunglasses according to the light filter: The light filter refers to the amount of sunlight that different types of sunglasses let through. That is, the light filter determines how dark the lenses of the glasses are. Category 0: This type of glass allows between 100% and 80% of light to pass through. They are very clear crystals. Category 1: They allow around 70% of light to pass through. They are a little darker than the previous ones, but are not recommended for very bright days. Category 2: This type of sunglasses lens has a medium darkness. They filter between 50% and 80% of sunlight. Category 3: In this case, the glasses are darker and allow 80 to 90% of sunlight to be filtered. They are recommended for very sunny days and long exposures. Usually the most used in sunglasses. Category 4: They filter up to 98% of light, being the most recommended for long exposures in high mountains and practicing water sports. Not indicated for driving. What are the best lenses for the Sun? With all the above information, you will be able to choose the types of sunglasses that best suit each situation, as you need them. There is no single lens that is better than the others, but for different occasions, some lenses will work better than others. Of course, there is one factor that is crucial and that you should demand from all your sunglasses, no matter what type they are: They must be UV 400 sunglasses. The UV 400 protection filter is the element that protects your eyes against UV radiation (UVA rays and UVB rays), blocking more than 99% of it. It is very important to understand that the absorption of the light filters mentioned above and the UV 400 filter are two different characteristics. While the absorption of the filters affects the “visible” rays, that is, the amount of light we perceive and that causes discomfort, the UV 400 filter prevents the “invisible” rays from reaching the eyes and causing damage to the eyes. long-term visual health. To know if sunglasses have a UV 400 filter, you only need to check the label. Sunglasses from specialized opticians will always have this protection. On the other hand, the ones you find in beach bars or bazaars will probably not be the right type of sunglasses.

Types of Sunglasses! What Crystals to Choose?

Sunglasses are an essential accessory throughout the year since solar radiation can affect our visual health in any season, not...

Manha Eyewear

Tips for Finding Your Original and Unique Pair of Glasses from Manha

Choosing the right store is crucial for acquiring glasses. A Forbes survey in 2018 revealed that online stores offer a wide variety of frames at competitive prices compared to traditional online stores. However, quality and service can differ greatly. To select an online store on the internet, several key elements must be considered. Style and color of the frames offered are the first ones in mind. Brands such as Manha Eyewear stand out for their unique design and avant-garde techniques in creating frames. It is also essential to give importance to after-sales service. Some internet online stores have developed advanced systems to guide customers in choosing the right glasses for their faces and specific needs. In short, choosing an online store on the internet requires in-depth study as well as a clear understanding of the quality-price ratio but also one who offers extraordinary customer service with premium products like those manufactured by Manha Eyewear. THE ESSENTIAL CRITERIA THE SUPREMACY OF SERVICE The online store stands out for the quality of its service, an undeniable asset that retains the interest of consumers. Everyone requires a unique and complex correction, requiring a high level of skill.  An excellent online store offers an easy adaptation process with a precise and detailed prescription while guaranteeing optimal protection for the eyes. Service excellence includes not only professionalism in establishing the necessary correction but also customer follow-up after the transaction.Careful prescription lens fit is inseparable from a successful visual experience with Manha Eyewear. This phase requires all the expertise and know-how available to our online stores so that each user can fully benefit from the unique style and comfort offered by our original and unique frames. MANUFACTURING MATERIALS PREMIUM ACETATE: TIMELESS ELEGANCE When it comes to the production of eyeglass frames, acetate remains a preferred choice. This high-end synthetic substance is recognized for its unrivaled strength and comfort. The introduction of premium acetate to the Manha Eyewear series gives a sophisticated, refined, and durable finish to each pair. The diverse hues and exciting patterns generated by this material add a singular characteristic to Manha Eyewear creations. RESISTANT METAL: THE ALLY OF TIME Besides acetate, metal stands out for its toughness and long durability. Titanium specifically is highly appreciated for its anti-corrosive properties which ensure the longevity of frames even after several years of intensive use. It offers a combination of delicacy and robustness for a refined design without neglecting comfort or functionality. ECOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS: TOWARDS A RESPONSIBLE APPROACH Manha Eyewear is not just limited to offering distinctive glasses; it is also committed to environmental protection by constantly seeking innovative ecological solutions. To do this, it uses bio-acetate designed without phthalates that are harmful to the environment while preserving all the essential qualities of traditional premium acetate. This choice perfectly demonstrates the brand's ambition to combine aesthetics, quality, and environmental responsibility. CHECKING UV PROTECTION POLARIZED GLASSES, A SHIELD AGAINST UV RAYS The importance of protection from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays cannot be underestimated. However, not all spectacle lenses offer the same effectiveness as a protective shield for our eyes. Polarized glasses are distinguished by the optimal defense they provide against these dangerous solar rays. COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS As such, Manha Eyewear strictly ensures that its products comply with international standards regarding UV protection. These criteria are fundamental to guarantee the visual well-being of customers who wear their unique and original creations. Each pair undergoes rigorous testing to establish that it provides the necessary level of protection against these potentially harmful UV rays. Opting for a Manha Eyewear pair means choosing originality without neglecting the essential: preserving comfort and visual health in its entirety. Consumers can therefore have confidence in the quality and integrity of the products offered by this innovative brand which perfectly succeeds in combining style and safety. OPTIMIZING COMFORT Optimizing comfort is an essential criterion to consider when purchasing a pair of Manha Eyewear glasses. This implies particular attention paid to the ergonomics of the frames, which must be perfectly adapted to the morphology of the face to ensure ideal support without exerting too much pressure on the nose or ears. The flexibility of the branches also plays an important role in the feeling of comfort. Branches that are too rigid can cause discomfort or even pain after several hours of use. Breathability is another important factor.  A good pair of glasses should offer the skin the opportunity to breathe to prevent irritation caused by perspiration. Manha Eyewear models are carefully designed to optimize this breathability and thus provide a very pleasant experience. We must not forget the weight! A model that is too heavy can create fatigue and discomfort throughout the day.  At Manha Eyewear, each design aims to combine unique style and extreme lightness. It would be unthinkable to talk about comfort without mentioning the Essilor lenses that equip Manha Eyewear glasses: their superior quality not only ensures clear vision but also contributes greatly to general well-being when wearing the glasses thanks to their thinness and lightness. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MANHA EYEWEAR MANHA EYEWEAR'S VISIONARY DESIGN When it comes to designing a pair of glasses, Manha Eyewear leaves nothing to chance. Every aspect is carefully considered to create a product that is not only practical but also pleasant to look at. The Manha Eyewear designer has managed to combine innovation and refinement to offer unique models that stand out from the ordinary. The boldness of the shapes, the balance of the colors and the precision of the work give this singularity to each pair of Smart glasses. MANHA EYEWEAR'S PREMIUM MATERIALS High quality is not just about design at Manha Eyewear. The materials used are selected with extreme rigor to ensure longevity and maximum comfort. Special attention is paid to the development of the lenses: they provide ideal protection against UV rays while guaranteeing exceptional visual clarity. Regarding the frames, they are made from strong and light materials such as acetate or titanium for pleasant wear all day long.   Manha Eyewear inspires confidence with its strong reputation and favorable opinions from loyal customers.

Tips for Finding Your Original and Unique Pair of Glasses from Manha

Choosing the right store is crucial for acquiring glasses. A Forbes survey in 2018 revealed that online stores offer a...

Visual Health Tips

10 Tips to Take Care of Your Visual Health

Sight is a sense that we all value highly, so it is very important to enjoy good visual health. But we are often not as aware as we should be about caring for our eyes. If you want to know what you can do about it, here are ten tips to help you take care of your visual health best. Recommendations to take care of visual health Prevention and Attention to Discomfort Even if there are no noticeable symptoms, an annual check-up is always advisable to ensure everything is fine. Even before you feel discomfort, redness, tiredness, etc. Diet is Important for Visual Health. Starting from the essentials, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help you maintain good visual health. Although carrots are the most famous, green foods such as broccoli, zucchini, and peas are the richest in lutein and zeaxanthin, essential nutrients for eye health.  It is also good to consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and green tea is one of the most suitable drinks to help your eyes against macular degeneration and cataracts. Care and Maintenance of Glasses If you wear Prescription Lenses, paying attention to the condition of the lenses and frame is very important. Even if they are consistent in design, if the frame is loose and doesn't fit properly, it can cause strain on your eyes. The same thing happens with the crystals if they are not in good condition.  To clean them, it is best to do it appropriately, and with optical products, avoid homemade cleaning methods as much as possible, which can end up ruining the lenses, and never clean them dry to prevent dust particles. They end up scratching the lens. Extreme Hygiene When Wearing Contact Lenses The eyes are very delicate organs. Therefore, contact lenses must be cared for and cleaned extremely neatly. Always follow the steps indicated by your optician, clean them with an appropriate product, and try to give your eyes a break for a few hours a day and at least one day a week. Never bathe with contact lenses or wet them with water, and avoid sleeping with them (if they are not intended for this purpose). Sunglasses are Essential Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause serious visual disorders. You must wear the Polarized Glasses when exposed to sunlight, not only during the summer but throughout the year. Remember that they are also essential if you are going to practice outdoor sports and when you are going to drive. Above all, buy them at Manha’s store to ensure that they have adequate protection so as not to put your visual health at risk.  Watch Distance and Light when Looking at Screens.  The use of computers at work and, at the same time, the use of mobile devices such as phones and tablets at any time of the day is becoming more common. To avoid eye strain and damage to your eyes, it is advisable to keep a wide distance from screens.  For computers, it would be advisable to be at least 50 cm from the screen. It is also advisable not to use any of these devices in the dark since the screen's light and the environment's darkness can cause eye fatigue and graduation problems. Don't Let Your Eyes Dry. Eyes, like skin, need moisture. This is more critical when your eyes are sensitive, so you must try to moisturize them. If you suffer from dry eyes, it is good to have artificial tears on hand to help your eyes maintain the necessary moisture. Protect Your Eyes Even During Everyday Actions. The eyes are more sensitive than one assumes, and even the most innocent actions can damage them. While certain jobs require protective glasses,  other tasks, such as cleaning, gardening, or applying makeup, can cause impurities to enter the eyes and, in extreme cases, cause infections. The Older You are, the More Prevention As the years go by, the eyes are more prone to suffering from other visual diseases, so check-ups become increasingly important. This increases when it comes to people with a tendency to suffer from diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, or hypertension. The Eyes Need to Rest. Even if you are not working, your eyes are constantly working. You must take breaks, whether in front of a computer screen, reading a book, or straining your eyes by manipulating small objects. Every time you feel tired (or every twenty minutes, for example), try looking at the horizon without focusing on anything or closing your eyes without squeezing your eyelids so they can rest a little. These small, quick, and simple actions will relax you, and your eyes will thank you.

10 Tips to Take Care of Your Visual Health

Sight is a sense that we all value highly, so it is very important to enjoy good visual health. But...

Manha Vr headset

Learn Everything About Virtual Reality Headset

Virtual reality, once specific to cinema or simulators reserved for a few technophiles, is beginning to invade our daily lives, and becoming more popular. Today, many applications and video games allow total immersion in the heart of the action thanks to virtual reality headsets, which provide an exceptional feeling. Find out what virtual reality is and what equipment is necessary to choose a quality VR headset. What is virtual reality? It is a computer technology that simulates a user's physical presence in an environment artificially generated by software. The user can also interact with this fictional environment. Virtual reality artificially reproduces a sensory experience, which can include sight, touch, hearing and possibly smell. It was originally developed to reproduce complex situations and offer simulations or training. We can think of flight simulators that allow airline pilots to practice in risky situations. With the miniaturization of display technologies and the progress of computing, virtual reality has reached the private sphere. Where once it was necessary to build an entire room to simulate an environment (aeroplane cockpit, for example), today, everyone can put on a virtual reality headset and find themselves immersed in the heart of the Amazon jungle, in a spaceship, or at the edge of a ravine! In just a few years, virtual reality headsets have developed prodigiously. Game and software publishers have followed suit and today provide many products that allow total user immersion. Most of the market is focused on VR gaming headsets, and more "serious" applications are still rare. A virtual reality headset: How it works The operation of a VR headset is quite simple, even if it implements complex technologies. In virtual reality, users do not look at a flat screen in front of them but through a headset encompassing the entire field of vision. This headset projects a small image for each eye, and the brain combines them to transform them into 3D vision. As the headset's lenses amplify the image, players see images that fill their field of vision. These images move with the movements of the person's head since the helmet is fixed on it. The software then adapts the image according to the position of the head and the angle of view. Just as if the user were turning their head in the virtual world, allowing them to look towards the sky or behind them for example. This effect gives a deep feeling of immersion and ensures that you quickly forget the screen fixed in front of your eyes. To give a feeling of reality and fluidity in the world we are immersed in, VR headsets must achieve technical feats regarding display. Unlike television, which has a display frequency of 30 frames per second, virtual reality displays moving images at 90 frames per second or even sometimes 120. The higher the display speed, the more immersed the player will feel in the real world.   How to choose a virtual reality headset? Equipment Used: There are still very few completely universal virtual reality headsets. Your choice will, therefore, depend on the type of hardware on which you wish to use it. You can find virtual reality headsets that can be used with PCs with game consoles (some are even associated only with one type of console) or smartphones. Some products can work on multiple platforms simultaneously, but they are rare. Today's most efficient VR headsets are those found in PC or console equipment. Then, in each range, we can distinguish 4 essential criteria to consider when choosing a VR headset: Display Quality: Display quality is essential for a successful virtual reality experience. It will particularly depend on the type of screen panel that is used for the headset and, of course, also on its definition. Today, the best products have 4K UHD or OLED screens. The latter are remarkable for their depth of black and nocturnal atmospheres. They also have the advantage of a very low retention time: the images persist little on the screen, thus increasing the sensation of real vision. The Reactivity: A virtual reality headset must detect all of the user's movements as quickly and faithfully as possible. This is important to display an image with minimal lag with movements. If this gap is too great, it creates a feeling of unreality and discomfort. For some players, this can go as far as feeling unwell. Today, many high-end headsets have a latency of less than 20 ms. It should be noted that the latency not to be exceeded is around 40 ms. The display frequency is also important for the responsiveness of the headset. Today, the best products are at 90 or even 120 Hz. But there are decent ones at 60 Hz. Products below this value offer less immersion and should be avoided. Comfort: During a gaming session, the headset must be forgotten. If your VR headset is uncomfortable, you will want to take it off after a while. The first important parameter is weight. Most helmets today exceed 200 grams, and some exceed 400 grams. Beyond this limit, the weight will be too heavy over time. You also need good support foam on the face so the helmet can adapt to different body shapes and visions (wearing glasses, adjusting the sharpness, etc.). Finally, make sure that the straps are adjustable to adapt your VR headset to the size of your face. The Accessories: Some helmets are sold "naked" but other models offer accessories to increase immersion. We find some delivered with motion controllers that allow more than a classic VR experience in a seated position. The device then allows immersion of the whole body, thanks to the possibility of moving over several meters (infrared sensors are installed in the room) and movement recognition. Sound accessories are also important. Some models include audio integration with the VR headset; others do not let users equip themselves with their system (or do without a sound headset). We recommend the most integrated systems possible because these are the ones that allow ultimate and effective immersion. Manha- M1 Virtual Reality Headset: With its integrated headphones and microphones, wide viewing angle, and 90 frames per second, this virtual reality headset from Manha ensures complete immersion in the game. The headset's lens can be flipped up for a quick return to reality. Ergonomic, it has an adjustable headband, and the shape of its headphones is designed to fit that of the ears. 

Learn Everything About Virtual Reality Headset

Virtual reality, once specific to cinema or simulators reserved for a few technophiles, is beginning to invade our daily lives,...

What are Polarized Glasses & their Benefits?

What are Polarized Glasses & their Benefits?

Our sight is continually exposed to the sun's rays directly and indirectly. Blocking sunlight that hits the eyes, such as that which comes from the reflection of the sea, snow, road, or asphalt, it’s very important to maintain our visual health.  An effective option is to use polarized glasses to enjoy these types of activities without taking risks. Thus, to practice certain sports or drive it is necessary to have sunglasses with appropriate lenses. These are polarized glasses, which act as a filter for our vision against those annoying and harmful reflections. At Manha Eyewear, we are clear that each activity requires specific glasses, with different treatments for the lenses. Polarized glasses are especially suitable for outdoor activities, such as water or snow sports, or driving. Do you still have doubts when choosing between normal or polarized sunglasses?   What Advantages Do Polarized Glasses Have? Polarized glasses have the advantage of filtering reflected light and reducing glare on surfaces such as water, snow, or the road, making them especially useful for outdoor activities, such as fishing, skiing, or driving. Polarized glasses can also improve the clarity and contrast of vision, which can be beneficial in many different situations. What are Better Polarized Glasses or those with a UV filter? UV filter glasses and polarized glasses are not mutually exclusive, and in fact, glasses should ideally have both characteristics. UV filters protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays, which can be harmful in the long term, while polarized glasses reduce glare and improve clarity of vision. Therefore, it is advisable to choose glasses that have both UV filter and polarization. What is Better Polarized or Normal Sunglasses? This depends on the situation and the user's needs. Regular sunglasses can protect against UV rays and reduce light intensity, which can be useful in many different situations, such as walking around the city or doing outdoor sports on cloudy days. However, polarized sunglasses are more effective at reducing glare and improving clarity of vision on reflective surfaces. Therefore, if you plan to carry out activities in environments with reflective surfaces, polarized sunglasses may be a better option.   How do you know if your Sunglasses are Polarized? There are several ways to check if sunglasses are polarized or not: Looking through an LCD screen: If you place the polarized sunglasses in front of an LCD screen (such as a TV, laptop, or cell phone) and rotate the glasses while looking at the screen, you should see the screen go dark or dark. It disappears completely at certain angles. This occurs because polarized glasses block polarized light at certain angles. Looking through water reflection: If you are near a body of water and look through sunglasses while turning your head, you should see a reduction in glare and glare from the water compared to when you are not wearing polarized sunglasses.   Looking through two pairs of polarized glasses: If you place two pairs of polarized glasses on top of each other and rotate one of them, you should see the light dim or disappear at certain angles. Look for a polarization logo: Many polarized glasses have a logo indicating that they are polarized, so you can look at the temples or lens of the glasses to see if there is a logo that indicates polarization. It is important to keep in mind that not all sunglasses have polarization and that some verification methods may not be 100% accurate, so if you have doubts about whether your glasses are polarized, you can consult with our opticians and optometrists. Benefits of Polarized Glasses: Here are some of the benefits of wearing polarized sunglasses:   They improve contrast in intense or diffuse light (they do not darken as much as normal sunglasses when we go from a very bright area to a darker one).   They enrich the perception of colours.   They minimize glare from the reflection of the sun's rays on certain objects or surfaces.   They increase the high definition of details.   They offer excellent sun protection. They protect 100% from UV rays.

What are Polarized Glasses & their Benefits?

Our sight is continually exposed to the sun's rays directly and indirectly. Blocking sunlight that hits the eyes, such as...